Depression is a mental health condition that includes feeling down, worthless, hopeless, irritable, and having less interest in things you used to enjoy.
Symptoms of Depression
Feeling sad or down
Less interest in activities
Significant weight loss or gain
More or less sleep than normal
Fatigue or low motivation
Thoughts of suicide or death
Major Depressive Disorder
Major Depressive Disorder is common, with almost 7% of US adults experiencing a depressive episode each year. Some sources estimate 15% of people experience Major Depressive Disorder at some point in their lives, with more women being effected than men.
Persistent Depressive Disorder
Persistent Depressive Disorder is a chronic depression that can last for years. Although it may not be as impairing as a Major Depressive Episode, it can involve feeling low, down, and lacking productivity and motivation. It may be difficult to be optimistic and easy going.
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder is characterized by an onset of depressive symptoms related to a woman’s menstrual cycle. The symptoms of depression, including irritability typically present 7-10 days before a woman’s menstrual period.
Depression is a mental health condition that includes feeling down, worthless, hopeless, irritable, and having less interest in things you used to enjoy.
Symptoms of Depression
Feeling sad or down
Less interest in activities
Significant weight loss or gain
More or less sleep than normal
Fatigue or low motivation
Thoughts of suicide or death
Major Depressive Disorder
Major Depressive Disorder is common, with almost 7% of US adults experiencing a depressive episode each year. Some sources estimate 15% of people experience Major Depressive Disorder at some point in their lives, with more women being effected than men.
Persistent Depressive Disorder
Persistent Depressive Disorder is a chronic depression that can last for years. Although it may not be as impairing as a Major Depressive Episode, it can involve feeling low, down, and lacking productivity and motivation. It may be difficult to be optimistic and easy going.
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder is characterized by an onset of depressive symptoms related to a woman’s menstrual cycle. The symptoms of depression, including irritability typically present 7-10 days before a woman’s menstrual period.
Depression is a mental health condition that includes feeling down, worthless, hopeless, irritable, and having less interest in things you used to enjoy.
Symptoms of Depression
Feeling sad or down
Less interest in activities
Significant weight loss or gain
More or less sleep than normal
Fatigue or low motivation
Thoughts of suicide or death
Major Depressive Disorder
Major Depressive Disorder is common, with almost 7% of US adults experiencing a depressive episode each year. Some sources estimate 15% of people experience Major Depressive Disorder at some point in their lives, with more women being effected than men.
Persistent Depressive Disorder
Persistent Depressive Disorder is a chronic depression that can last for years. Although it may not be as impairing as a Major Depressive Episode, it can involve feeling low, down, and lacking productivity and motivation. It may be difficult to be optimistic and easy going.
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder is characterized by an onset of depressive symptoms related to a woman’s menstrual cycle. The symptoms of depression, including irritability typically present 7-10 days before a woman’s menstrual period.
Anxiety is normal. We all feel anxious in certain situations, which helpful and adaptive. For example, if you are preparing to take an exam or give a presentation. However, an anxiety disorder is when we become preoccupied by worry and fear. This preoccupation can present itself as worry, procrastination, or perfectionism. Sometimes we experience physical symptoms of anxiety such as shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, or excessive sweating. Although sometimes distressing, these symptoms are not dangerous.
Symptoms of anxiety
Excessive worry
Panic attacks
Poor concentration
Preoccupation with the future and “what ifs”
Physical symptoms (e.g., GI tract issues, muscle tension)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
This anxiety disorder is characterized by persistent and uncontrollable worry about multiple areas of your life, such as finances, health, and relationships.
Panic Disorder
Experiencing episodes of shortness of breath, racing heart, and blurred vision is uncomfortable, but it’s not harmful. Some people feel like they are “losing it” or “going crazy,” however this is a misperception. A panic episode is the misperception of physical symptoms of anxiety. It’s like a fire alarm going off when there is no fire.
Social Anxiety
Many of us find ourselves with more anxiety when required to perform, whether it’s on an exam or a presentation. Social anxiety is an intense fear of performance in daily social interaction. Often people with social anxiety find themselves avoiding social situations, or enduring social situations with extreme distress.
A phobia is a persistent fear of an object or situation. Common phobias include snakes, spiders, and needles.
Illness Anxiety Disorder
Health related anxiety occurs when perceived bodily sensations are interpreted as an illness. We all experience health related anxiety at some point in our lives, but it can become maladaptive and involve various dysfunctional beliefs and debilitated health focused checking behavior.
OCD is when a person finds themself caught in a cycle of obsessive/intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors/rituals. These intrusive thoughts, or sometimes images, are unwanted and distressing. The compulsion is used in an effort to decrease the distress associated to obsessions.
Common Obsessions in OCD
Losing control
Unwanted sexual thoughts
Religious obsessions (scrupulosity)
Common Compulsions in OCD
Washing and cleaning
Mental compulsions
Depression & anxiety during infertility, pregnancy, postpartum and motherhood.
The journey of trying to conceive, pregnancy and the first few years after having a baby can make women vulnerable to mood and anxiety symptoms. Approximately 1 in 7 women experience clinical symptoms of depression or anxiety during the reproductive years. As a reproductive psychologist I specialize in treatment of symptoms that are common during this unique period of a woman’s life.
What could depression and anxiety during the reproductive years look like?
Irrational worry about safety of your baby, the future, developmental milestones.
Lashing out/yelling at people you love (e.g., partner, friends, co-workers, children).
Resenting your child’s other parent for the freedom.
Feeling like you have lost your identity.
Feeling disconnected from your partner and/or baby.