Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is a form of psychological treatment that has demonstrated effectiveness for treatment of problems including depression & anxiety disorders.
CBT is an intervention which focuses on how thoughts influence emotions and behavior. The goal of CBT is for people to become their own therapist, by learning to examine and alter their unhelpful thinking patterns and reduce behaviors that have negative consequences in their lives.
This therapy focuses on current issues in the person’s life. It is a skills based approach to these issues and will emphasize helping people find ways to solve problems.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a skills based psychological intervention that incorporates aspects of CBT and mindfulness.
DBT emphasized the development of four sets of skills including:
Interpersonal Effectiveness (therapy will teach you to set healthy boundaries, clarify expectations for relationships, and cope with conflict assertively)
Mindfulness (therapy will teach you to engage in relaxation, visualization, breathing exercises, and meditation)
Distress Tolerance (therapy will teach you to find distractions, self-soothe, and change unpleasant situations)
Emotion Regulation (therapy will teach you to practice identifying and labeling different emotions and identifying emotional triggers)
Although this therapy was originally developed for treating Borderline Personality Disorder, this skills based approach to improving anger outbursts and relationship conflict is helpful for many individuals.
Exposure and Response Prevention
Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) is a Cognitive Behavior Therapy technique that helps people gradually face their fears.
ERP is the gold standard treatment for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and is also very useful for Panic Disorder and other types of fears and Phobias. Through this treatment the client develops skills to tolerate their fears (e.g., germs, needles, or somatic sensations).
In ERP clients are gradually and repeatedly exposed to the thoughts, images, or situations that bring on obsessive thoughts, while resisting their compulsions, rituals, or reassurance seeking behavior.
Circle of Security Parenting
Circle of Security Parenting (COSP) is a parenting invention to improve parent-child relationships.
Circle of Security Parenting helps parents understand their infant and toddler’s emotional needs. After engaging with this 8 week parenting program caregivers are better able to read their children’s emotional cues and understand their children’s emotional world.
Circle of Security also helps parents learn how to enhance their young children’s self esteem.
Supportive and Insight Oriented Therapy
Supportive and Insight Oriented Therapy is a client guided therapy style, and offers the client time and space to explore their past and develop a deep understanding of their feelings.
Supportive therapy relies on the therapeutic alliance as the foundation to creating a safe and empowering experience for the client to improve self esteem, build awareness, and cope with life challenges. This therapy provides a less structured therapeutic environment and can be great for clients who are just checking out what therapy is all about for the first time.
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